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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2023
Toraighyrov University NCJSC

Nowadays, when educational systems strive to be more open and inclusive, and every student has the right to equal opportunities to acquire knowledge, the study of foreign experience in this field becomes especially valuable. The analysis of the work on the preparation of teachers for inclusive education in developed countries dealing with this issue will allow us to see the unique opportunities that can be applied in the practice of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of this article is not only to reveal successful approaches in preparing teachers for inclusive education abroad, but also to conduct a comparative analysis with our system in Kazakhstan. The idea of the research is to show the most interesting and productive approaches in foreign practice to prepare teachers for inclusive education.

The scientific significance of the study consists in the analysis of foreign experience in preparing teachers for inclusion, while the practical significance lies in the possibilities of improving and developing the training of teachers for inclusion in Kazakhstan.

To study this very urgent problem in our country, methods of empirical analysis of information sources, generalization of the data obtained their interpretation were applied. Analytical work on the problem of preparing teachers for inclusive education abroad allows us to draw conclusions about similar aspects of the implementation of inclusive education in our country, to draw a parallel between foreign and domestic practice. The results of the analytical work carried out make it possible to predict possible difficulties and mistakes in the preparation of teachers for professional activity in the conditions of inclusive education.

As research materials on the topic of the article, the results of the research work of foreign research scientists were discussed, as well as comparative work with domestic experience was carried out.

The practical significance of the results of the work carried out consists in the possibilities of using the data obtained in the preparation of educational programs to prepare teachers for inclusive education.

Keywords: inclusive education, foreign experience, teacher training, special educational needs, limited opportunities

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How to Cite

Жомартова А.Д., Аубакирова С.Д., Акпарова Ж.М. , . 2023. ANALYSIS OF FOREIGN PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN PREPARING TEACHERS FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 80, 4 (Dec. 2023), 32–43. DOI: