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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2023
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

The article discusses the issue of developing the professional competence of a future biology teacher. The definition of «competence», «professional pedagogical competence» in the works and studies of foreign and Kazakh teacher-scientists is analyzed. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Status of a Teacher» sets a priority position in addressing issues of improving the quality of education and increasing the social status of a teacher. Given this position, future teachers need to be able to correctly and competently design the educational process, generate new ideas, develop research and social skills, as well as make the most of their resources, consciously manage their time and the course of life. As stated in the Professional Standard «Teacher», one of the priority tasks in a teacher’s activity is the use of modern pedagogical technologies. Accordingly, this requires the creation of an innovative environment at the university. An effective technology for organizing the educational process, according to the authors, is the « Inverted Classroom» technology. The article provides characteristics, algorithm, and tools for organizing the educational process using this technology. A comparative analysis of the traditional and «inverted» approach was carried out.

In order to determine the level of development of creative thinking (creativity) and readiness for professional activity of future biology teachers with 3-4 year students (N=70) of the EP «Training of Biology Teachers», at the stage of the ascertaining study, an adapted Johnson questionnaire was conducted on a Likert scale and 4 open questions. The survey results show that students demonstrate a positive attitude towards blended learning, especially in relation to the motivational sphere, the use of technology and active learning, but experience difficulties in organizing self-learning (namely, showing responsibility and independence in completing tasks).

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How to Cite

Жайынбаева С.К., Успабаева А.А., Рысбаева Г.А., . 2023. FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF A FUTURE BIOLOGY TEACHER BASED ON THE «INVERTED CLASSROOM» TECHNOLOGY. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 80, 4 (Dec. 2023), 215–226. DOI: