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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2020
Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai

The article describes the problem of forming communication skills of preschool children. In the context of
updating the content of education, the problem of forming communication skills is an urgent socio-pedagogical
problem, which means that the positive solution of the level of education of children, the effectiveness of
interpersonal interaction with teachers and peers and, in general, the social adaptation of children depends on
social teachers. The analysis of key theoretical ideas and personal concepts in the formation of communicative
skills of preschool children in relation to each other was carried out.
The article considers the socio-historical concept of individual concepts" communication"," communication
skills", the grouping of components of communication as activities, the analysis of components of communication
activities, communication skills, and communicative abilities.
The authors note that during the formation of communication skills, children of age have a need for
situational business communication with peers. Joint game activity exists as the content of communication, there
is a need for respect and respect from peers. Expanding the circle of communication requires the child to fully
master the means of communication, the main of which is speech.
At the same time, the components of communication were grouped as communicative activities, and the
actions in which the action of communicative skills is carried out, and the components of communicative abilities
were considered.

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How to Cite

Еркебаева С.Ж.,Жумабаева А.Е., . 2020. THE IMPORTANCE OF DEVELOPING COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 68, 4 (Dec. 2020), 199–206. DOI: