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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2020
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Today, the study of the problem of interdisciplinary integration in professional education is a historically formed direction and has been studied by scientists deeply enough. However, within the framework of the implementation of the competence-based approach in teaching, which is the focus of state compulsory education standards, the problem of interdisciplinary integration acquires a new meaning. The essence of the new meaning of interdisciplinary integration is substantiated by the modern socio-cultural conditions of globalization, informatization, interdisciplinarity, and digitalization. Interdisciplinary integration is the applied focus of the components of the educational process of the university (goal, result, content, form and methodology of teaching) and manifests itself in the relationship of academic disciplines with the content and technologies of professional activity of future teachers, as well as in the consistency of the processes of teaching and upbringing at the university. The globalization of education refers to the process of creating a worldwide unified education system, which erases the differences between the educational systems included in it. Informatization of education is a process when the sphere of education is provided with the methodology and practice of the development and optimal use of modern information technologies, focused on the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical goals of training and education. Digital skills in the modern world are necessary and must be complemented by cross-cutting interpersonal skills, as the ability to effectively interact in the current environment of distance learning. In the process of distance learning, video conferences using computer communication, virtual environment, online lectures and seminars are actively used. A distinctive feature of distance learning is computer-based learning, which contributes to the development of digital skills, since it is based on the student's independent cognitive activity, is active and personality-oriented. The above requires the development of digital skills in future teachers based on cross-subject integration. This article examines the problem of developing digital skills in future teachers based on interdisciplinary integration, and also provides a meaningful characteristic of digital skills.

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How to Cite

Шолпанкулова Г.К., Колумбаева Ш.Ж., Махметова Б.Т, Г.Ш.Ш.К.Б.М. 2020. DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL SKILLS FOR FUTURE TEACHERS BASED ON CROSS-SUBJECT INTEGRATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 68, 4 (Dec. 2020), 95–102. DOI: