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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2024
National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarina

Today's society needs people who quickly adapt to any changes in the post-industrial world. Therefore, students need not only to provide information from the foundations of science, they need to be educated to enter the global space of education, information, and the economy in order to realize themselves in a competitive environment. Students should be able to put into practice the knowledge gained in secondary school. Therefore, functional literacy occupies a special place in a person's life. From this point of view, the formation of functional literacy of students is relevant. In secondary school, the functional literacy of students is formed through the content of school subjects. In the course of mastering the learning objectives defined by the standard curriculum of the subject, students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for full participation in social and economic life. In addition, the consideration of practice-oriented tasks in the lessons also plays a role in the formation of the functional literacy of students. This, in turn, serves as the basis for applying the acquired knowledge and skills of students in various educational and practical situations, preparing students for independent creative work, active participation in life. The article discusses the importance of functional literacy in the content of education. The level of compliance of educational tasks in the existing textbooks with the tasks used in international PISA studies on the assessment of educational achievements of students was revealed.

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How to Cite

Шуиншина Ш.М., Жумагулова З.А.,Дору M. . 2024. FORMATION OF FUNCTIONAL LITERACY OF STUDENTS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 81, 1 (Mar. 2024), 328–340. DOI: