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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2020
Russian State Social University

The article reveals the essence, content and features of professional education in the process of training social teachers on the basis of personal, systemic, environmental and personal-activity approaches. Various approaches to understanding the essence of professional education of students are presented. The author's understanding of professional education of students is revealed as a process of ensuring the purposeful formation of a student's culture for a professional purpose. The article characterizes the understanding of the professional culture of a social teacher as a result of his professional training, as well as ensuring its purposeful development at the university. The internal and external components of the professional culture of a social teacher are revealed. The basic aspects of the professional training of social teachers at the university, in the formation of which professional education is necessary, are highlighted: pedagogical worldview; deontological foundations of personality; awareness of the socio-role position as a social teacher; culture of professional and pedagogical behavior; individual style of professional activity and civic position. Дана характеристика каждого выделенного аспекта и раскрыты особенности реализации потенциала профессионального воспитания студентов в процессе их формирования в поликультурной среде вуза.

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