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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published July 2023
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

The development of an inclusive education system in our country is a priority in the modern educational system. Modern research scientists define  teachers’ the professional competence as a complex integrative personal quality that determines the degree of success of a teacher in the implementation of professional activities. The purpose of this article is to develop and characterize a model for the formation of a teacher's professional competence in inclusive education.

The article analyzes the problems in the implementation of inclusion in education, such as: the intensification of the professional activities of teachers, the lack of specialists in defectology, their methodological, psychological and organizational unpreparedness for the implementation of inclusive education.

As a result of the study, the characteristics of the main blocks of the model of the teacher’s formation of the professional competence are given and the process of formation of the professional competence of the teacher in the process of inclusive education is determined.

The model  is based on approaches that consider the professional training teachers of inclusive education as an integral system to develop their professional competences.  The model includes 3 blocks: conceptual, procedural-organizational and evaluative-analytical. The components of teachers' readiness to work in inclusive education are highlighted. Namely: cognitive, emotional-motivational, operational-competence, reflective components. The target block reflects the integration of the state educational standard requirements, the professional standard of the teacher and the general education standard. It is possible to use the results of the study in developing a model for the formation of future teachers’ professional competence in the context of inclusive education.

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How to Cite

Жумагелдиева А.Д., Абаева Г.А., Турыскулов У.Ж., . 2023. MODEL ON THE FORMATION OF TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES IN CONDITIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 78, 2 (Jul. 2023), 136–145. DOI: