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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2023
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

In modern society, every person needs to be successful not only in the social, cultural and economic spheres, but above all in the professional sphere. Therefore, it seems very relevant to consider the conditions of training and education of such a person at the university as a factor of intensification of professional and personal growth of the student and his direct involvement in real activities through the performance of official duties.

This article analyzes the problem of organizing and managing independent activities of students-future teachers of primary education in higher education, describes the pedagogical conditions for the success and effectiveness of its implementation.

The article is based on the authors' practical materials accumulated during their long-term teaching activities at the university, as well as a result of the analysis of literary sources devoted to the theoretical basis of primary school disciplines.

The topic of this article concern the activities of university teachers to form the skills of independent work and its management in future primary school teachers as a result of working with the texts of the educational module.

In particular, the article provides a justification for the need to train future teachers, aimed at mastering special skills in the use of educational elements containing not only an educational text, but also a guide to learning, in the educational process of primary school.

The results of the research can be used in the preparation of various educational texts, methodological recommendations and guidelines for determining the necessary basic knowledge for the study of the relevant modules; planning forms of control of assimilation and verification of achievements in the study of the module.



How to Cite

Kdyrbaeva A., Ryabova E., Zhumash Zh., . 2023. MANAGEMENT OF INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODULAR TRAINING ENVIRONMENT. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 80, 4 (Dec. 2023), 177–186. DOI: