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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published October 2023
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

The article reveals the significance of the formation of computer-graphic competence of a teacher of future professional education, competitive in the system of higher education. Emphasis was placed on the difference between the concepts of "competence" and "competence" and their use. Social competencies and interprofessional competencies. In order to determine the content of the concept of vocational education, its structure and opinions of the authors of the study were analyzed.

The article also discusses the term "computer graphics", defines the task of forming a special competence, which can be called the competence of computer graphics, and specifies the level of formation of the competence of the future teacher of vocational education. With the help of computer graphics, the level of development of the motivational component in the development of the competence of the future professional teacher is shown.

The use of information and communication technologies in the course of professional training requires a complete change in the form of education of the future teacher of professional training. With the help of a survey, the level of development of the motivational component in the development of the competence of a future professional teacher by means of computer graphics was considered and determined.

The issues of effective use of computer graphics competencies in the educational process and strategies for solving the problem of forming computer graphics competencies of a future professional teacher are considered. The results obtained as a result of the study should be used as an independent tool if it is necessary to develop the competence of a future teacher of vocational education by means of computer graphics.

Keywords: professional education teacher, competence, computer graphics, formation, meaning of formation

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How to Cite

Битемирова Ш.А.,Каратаева М.С.,Жолдасбекова С.А.,Махметова Б.Т., . 2023. THE ESSENCE OF FORMATION OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC COMPETENCE OF THE FUTURE TEACHER OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 79, 3 (Oct. 2023), 167–179. DOI: