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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published July 2023
Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

The development of physics as a science and the study of physical phenomena and laws is closely connected with the creation of models of various physical systems. Given that physics is an experimental science and the complexity of explaining some phenomena in physics teaching, it is urgent to create a scientifically based approach, a simplified alternative to solving this problem. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of 3D modeling when performing physical laboratory work. In addition, to identify the possibilities and features of the use of 3D modeling in the development of cognitive abilities of future physics teachers, interest in the subject. In the course of the study, theoretical and empirical methods, elements of a quantitative and qualitative method in the study, and a modeling method were achieved. IT knowledge, robotics elements, e-learning resources were analyzed and 3D-based computer programs were selected. The scientific literature published in peer-reviewed high-ranking journals was studied, 3D modeling of virtual reality and its impact on students' understanding of the physical phenomenon was confirmed by a survey of 32 students. The results of the study showed that, along with traditional forms of education, the introduction of 3D modeling technologies significantly expands the learning experience and improves the quality of knowledge. The answers of future physics teachers in the survey showed that virtual reality modeling can be very useful for deepening their physical understanding. The application of the research results in the process of teaching physics in higher and secondary education organizations and is presented in the future as a fundamental scientific work for researchers in this field.

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How to Cite

Курбанбеков Б.А.,Раманкулов Ш.Ж., Битибаева Ж.М.,Паттаев А.М.,Усембаева И.Б. , . 2023. FEATURES OF THE APPLICATION OF 3D MODELING TECHNOLOGY IN THE PREPARATION OF FUTURE PHYSICS TEACHERS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 78, 2 (Jul. 2023), 172–181. DOI: