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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published July 2023
Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, Kyzylorda

The article describes the pedagogical ideas in the works of the poets of the Syr region, who are popularly known as the Suleys, and their educational value. At the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, the work of such poets as Bazar Bazar Ondasuly, Zhusip Eshniyazuly, Turmagambet Iztileuly, Nurtugan Kenzhegululy, Ongar Dyrkayuly, Zhusip Kadirbergenuly, who lived in the territory of Kyzylorda region, were analyzed. In modern pedagogy, the classification was carried out according to the directions of moral, intellectual, aesthetic, religious culture criticism. Emphasis is placed on the poems of the above-mentioned poets based on the truth of life, the thoughts and ideas of daily life, and a meaningful analysis was made.
 At the same time, the theoretical analysis was carried out, the level of knowledge of the students about the creativity of Suleys was determined, the defining experiment was described, and the results achieved during the research were explained. Based on the results of the experiment, future work and tasks to be solved are indicated.

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How to Cite

Құдайбергенова К.Т., Игенбаева Р.Т. , . 2023. EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE WORKS OF SYR POETS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 4, 79 (Jul. 2023), 105–116. DOI: