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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published July 2023
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Creativity is a complex process, a type of activity that manifests itself in a person, as a result of which creative abilities develop and develop. The article examines the essence and structure of the formation of the activity of the future foreign language. In our opinion, the creative activity of future teachers of a foreign language involves the transfer of knowledge and skills in the educational process of a higher educational institution to new conditions, a change in the mode of action in solving educational problems, ensures the inclusion of a person in the process of activity, its structure consists of the following components: motivational, meaningful, activity. The motivational component of the formation of the creative activity of future teachers of a foreign language characterizes the presence of positive motivation for the future profession, the value attitude of conscious interest in creative potential. The cognitive component of the formation of the creative activity of future teachers of a foreign language reflects professional knowledge and psychological and pedagogical knowledge of a foreign language and its teaching methodology. The activity component of the formation of the creative activity of future teachers of a foreign language includes the ability to logically build communication in a foreign language, the ability to teach, pedagogical communication, self-education skills and a set of professional skills and abilities. In the course of the study, the methods used in experimental practice were selected in order to identify the initial level of formation of the structural components (motivational, cognitive, activity) of the creative activity of future foreign language teachers in the educational process of the university. The components and criteria for identifying the features of the formation of the creative activity of students as future teachers of a foreign language are determined. According to the authors, the creative activity of a student as a future teacher of a foreign language in the educational process of a university characterizes the quality of an individual's activity, manifested in relation to the desire to successfully master the content of the activity, knowledge and methods of action, to mobilize moral and volitional efforts to achieve the goal of the activity.

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How to Cite

Толбасиева А.А., Лекерова Г.Ж., Усенова А.М., . 2023. THE ESSENCE AND STRUCTURE OF FORMATION OF CREATIVE ACTIVITY IN FUTURE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 4, 79 (Jul. 2023), 216–225. DOI: