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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published August 2020
Kainar Academ

The article discusses the pedagogicalandpsychological prerequisites for intensive teaching of foreign
languages. In intensive training, it is necessary to find such working methods that rely on the semantic
component of logical memory, which activates the students' thinking. In this regard, intensive training
involves the inclusion of the learner from the first lesson in active thought through a specially organized
active learning. Favorable conditions are created for involuntary attention and memorization of the material.
It is taken into account that emotionally - colored, personality-significant is remembered better, and the
combination of visual-sensual and abstract-logical components of the presentation of the material contributes
to the effectiveness of memorization. The entire system of introducing educational material reflects the
correct specially organized alternation of imprinting and reproduction, which is carried out in controlled
speech learning. The psycho-hygienic effect of intensive learning is of particular importance. Activation of
the learner’s capabilities is, as it were, a compensatory psychological mechanism that counteracts the crisis.

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How to Cite

Р.Е. Дабылтаева, С.Б. Омарова, М. Бектурсын, . 2020. PEDAGOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL BACKGROUND OF INTENSIVE TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Aug. 2020), 224–229. DOI: