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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences

Integrating of information technology into teacher training: a methodological approach

Published December 2023
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

This article discusses the place, importance and scope of information technology in the education system, gives characteristics in the field of information technology, indicates directions for the methodological goals and objectives of chemistry teachers. The place and significance, directions and goals of modern information technologies in educational activities are set out without fail. In this direction, technologies are classified as information and software, and each of them has its own functions and features. General pedagogical processes are considered, including ways of effective use of information technologies and programs in the process of teaching students in chemistry.

The transfer and assimilation of knowledge as the most important components and one of the main goals of the learning process is manifested as a set of targeted measures and actions, aspirations aimed at forming and improving the knowledge and competencies of students, thereby educating and training individuals and citizens. By improving the quality of education, raising the degree, society as a whole gets the opportunity to develop, progress socially, economically, technologically, and increase competitiveness among the world community. From the point of view of pedagogical research and the results achieved, it can be seen that the meaning of the subject of chemistry today acquires a different meaning in the era of production and technological modernization. It is no secret that the value and importance of information technology is growing every year. Among the main goals facing chemistry teachers is the ability to clearly and reliably convey to students the meaning and properties of the most interesting and complex subject that studies the properties, changes of substances and is aimed at recognizing the causes that prompt these changes, using the achievements of information technology.



How to Cite

Туймебаева Г.Е.,Кобланова О.Н., Мехмет-Али Озлер, Абдуразова П.А. , . 2023. Integrating of information technology into teacher training: a methodological approach. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 80, 4 (Dec. 2023), 65–76. DOI: