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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published July 2023
Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin

        The article is devoted to the current issue of adaptation of students to the educational environment of the university. The materials of this article present an analysis of works on the adaptation of students to the educational environment of the university. In the article, the author draws attention to the issue of the relevance of adaptation in Kazakhstani universities of foreign students, representatives of the Kazakh diaspora. The author notes that the adaptation of foreign students representing the Kazakh diaspora to the educational process of Kazakh universities, for certain reasons, is not always successful (personal qualities, communication skills, and other reasons). To determine the relevance of the research topic, the article presents the results of a self-assessment of the emotional state conducted among foreign students who are representatives of the Kazakh diaspora. In the course of the study, the authors obtained relevant data demonstrating the level of emotional state of foreign students representing the Kazakh diaspora.

     As part of the writing of this article, relevant conclusions and recommendations were formulated for the successful adaptation of foreign students representing the Kazakh diaspora in Kazakhstani universities.

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How to Cite

Кажғалиева А.М.,Акажанова А.А., . 2023. PROBLEMS OF ADAPTATION OF STUDENTS TO HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 4, 79 (Jul. 2023), 145–153. DOI: