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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published July 2023
Karaganda University of the name of academician E. A. Buketov

The issue of using digital technologies in the process of training future teachers as one of the current trends of the present time was considered in the article. A theoretical analysis of the using digital technologies’ problem in the educational process of Universities was carried out, a quantitative-qualitative analysis based on experimental research work was presented in the given research paper. In particular, a theoretical understanding of digital technologies used in the preparation of future teachers, examines their needs and opportunities in modern educational conditions was given in the article. The different tools and resources used to create and improve the digital learning environment in the educational space, development of thinking activities, forms of organization of learning, development of visualization, combining ideas, etc. were discussed by the authors. The study was focused on creating a system of intellectual tasks based on digital pedagogy that promotes critical and creative thinking skills. In the course of the experimental research, the method of questionnaire survey was conducted among the students of pedagogical educational programmes of E. A. Buketov Karaganda University and Bolashaq Academy via the social network “Google”. The results of the survey were analyzed, conclusions were made and opportunities that may be achieved with the use of digital technology in the training of future teachers were summarized.



How to Cite

Nurkenova G.,Mazhenova R., Danek Ia., Asakaeva D., Abilkassimova G, . 2023. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IMPLEMENTATION IN THE PROCESS OF TRAINING FUTURE TEACHERS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 4, 79 (Jul. 2023), 163–172. DOI: