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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published August 2020
Kazakh national pedagogical Universitynamed after Abai

The introduction of socio-pedagogical ideas into the historical and literary heritage enriches the content
of training, makes it possible to enrich their practical skills through familiarity with historical experience, on
the one hand, on the other hand, it enriches the inner world of social teachers as specialists, connecting the
feeling and consciousness, thereby creating conditions for successful effective activities. In human society,
various types of contradictions have always appeared at any time, but at the same time , methods and ways to
eliminate them have been invented.
Unfortunately, we have recently become interested in foreign technologies of training and education,
their ideas, and have lost sight of the rich experience of the past, which includes methods and methods of
social education of children and youth. The problem is that it is necessary to identify them and use them in
The activity of a social pedagogue , in particular, is associated with rehabilitation, socialization and
other types of work among children, youth and adults. The history of social pedagogy spiritually enriches
future specialists on the one hand, and on the other, helps to accumulate the experience of the past in order to
use them in solving modern problems. Literary and historical materials concerning the social side of the life
of the Kazakh people in this regard is important and essential.

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How to Cite

И.Р.Халитова,Н.О.Атемкулова, Г.К.Ширинбаева, . 2020. HISTORICAL HERITAGE AS A MEANS OF MORAL TRAINING OF SOCIAL TEACHERS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Aug. 2020), 180–187. DOI: