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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published August 2020
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

The article discusses the features of the process of socialization of children with hearing impairment in a
family and boarding school. Recommendations are offered for parents, educators and teachers on the
socialization of children with hearing impairment in a family and boarding school. Children with hearing
impairment should live with hearing and have an equal relationship with them. This is one of the important
tasks of socializing children. The socialization of children with disabilities is that they can acquire and
internalize values and generally accepted norms of behavior. One of the conditions for the successful
socialization of children with hearing impairment is to prepare them for independent life, support their
families and assist them in entering into "adult life"; first of all, it is necessary to create pedagogical
conditions in the family and educational institutions for the social adaptation of children. In recent years,
new forms of education (integration, inclusion) and upbringing have appeared in the education system for
children with disabilities.
In this work, various literature of well-known defectologists on this topic was analyzed and conclusions
based on this analysis were drawn with methodological recommendations.

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How to Cite

А.Ө. Равшанова, . 2020. PARENTING CHILDREN WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENT IN THE FAMILY. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Aug. 2020), 294–299. DOI: