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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published February 2023
Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov

The article discusses the use of Stem technology in mathematics as one of the new methods used to increase the student's enthusiasm for the subject, motivate him, form enthusiasm and thinking.

STEM technology designed for one of the global trends for the younger generation is one of the great options for quality education. The interpretation of the materials of the discipline using Stem technology not only strengthens interdisciplinary connections, but also provides the student with a unified information about the world, the relationship of objects and phenomena, directly affects the student's critical thinking, the systematic development of scientific research competencies, adaptation to teamwork, planning for the future profession, and also creates the opportunity to use the training hours as economically as possible. The use of Stem technology in mathematics, which is considered one of the most difficult subjects, further develops the figurative thinking of students and opens up creative opportunities that connect the general content of the subject with life.

The article presents examples of the use of Stem technology in mathematical education in grades 10-11. Used information technologies, engineering education and independent works presented to students in the interpretation of such topics as multilanguages, rotation surfaces, function derivatives are presented. In addition, the main competencies that develop in the student from Stem teaching in mathematical education are noted.

The analyzed results of a survey among teachers of secondary schools of Aktobe and graduates of the Faculty of physics and mathematics of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov are presented to collect information about the advantages of using Stem technology in mathematics, which is one of the ways to increase students' passion for the subject.

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How to Cite

Бекбауова А.У., Туребаева К.Ж., . 2023. THE USE OF STEM TECHNOLOGY IN INCREASING THE STUDENT’S PASSION FOR THE SUBJECT . BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 76, 4 (Feb. 2023), 227–239. DOI: