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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published February 2023
Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov

The paper represents the analysis of current situation on the results on conducted survey related to the organizing of project-research activity by primary school teachers. Also, having made a literature review, the study accentuates the importance and necessity of project-research activity at primary school. The aim of this research is to bring teachers’ attitude to project-research activity and difficulties they face into prominence. For this purpose, diagnostic survey was conducted and the results were analyzed, as the paper represents the initial part of a wider research. Although project-research activity is organized in all schools, more than half of the respondents do not organize this activity and do not know how to do that. The study has highlighted main reasons of why some teachers do not organize project-research activity with their students.

It is not the final evaluation of the problem aforementioned, it will be further developed. The conclusions presented in the article regarding the project-research activity of primary school teachers will be continued and clarified in the next stages of the research.



How to Cite

Yessimbekova A., Zhakipbekova S., Petkova I. , . 2023. ANALYSIS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ PROJECT- RESEARCH ACTIVITY. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 76, 4 (Feb. 2023), 258–266. DOI: