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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published October 2023
Semey Medical Universitу

The era of 21st century is often regarded as the era of technology. Today, technology plays an important role in our life. It is possible only through technology that distances are no more barriers and education can be brought to the student’s doorstep. The impact of technology can be felt in every possible field and one such field is education. It is unfortunate and alarming that we are using foreign technologies in our country at a time when educators throughout the world are developing educational technologies and are ahead of each other. When discussing the use of internet technology in English language education, it is frequently mentioned that online tools should be used in the classroom during classes. After all, education in actual EdTech projects at the state level is not taken into account, unless we personally use international EdTech projects to develop our teaching skills (for example, Coursera) or to learn a language. Furthermore, it is worth to note that there are no official EdTech projects in our country, except private English language courses. Based on the scientific studies, combining traditional lessons with technologies has its own challenges. The characteristics of the use of EdTech projects in English classes, including their advantages and disadvantages, were studied in the provided paper, as well as a survey and question-and-answer session between students and teachers, the results of which were analyzed.

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How to Cite

Kadirsizova Sh.,Zhunussova Zh., . 2023. FEATURES OF USING EDTECH PROJECTS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AT SCHOOL. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 79, 3 (Oct. 2023), 202–211. DOI: