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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published August 2020
M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz State University, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Article on the scientific and theoretical foundations of integration in the education system in the context
of modern globalization. Definitions of the concepts "Integration"," goal of integration"," principles of
integration" were given, and the main idea of implementing integration training was formulated. The
psychological and pedagogical significance of the integration of the educational process today is determined.
Theoretically analyzed the goals, principles, directions, content, integrity of integration in the process of
training and education. Educational, developmental, cognitive, and educational values of the integration
process at all stages of the education system are defined. The prerequisites for the necessity and possibility of
organizing integrated education in preschool and primary education were demonstrated. In the organization
of subject integration training, the results and ways to improve the quality of knowledge of students '
cognitive interests are determined. The integration of education expands the possibilities of the pedagogical
process, opens up the possibility of using innovative learning technologies. Through subject integration, the
content and areas of education form the structure of the relationship of system and consistency.

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How to Cite

Р.Қ.Керимбаева, М.А.Шауенова, . 2020. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATIONAL INTEGRATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Aug. 2020), 55–60. DOI: