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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2020
East Kazakhstan State University named after S.Amanzholov

The high level of activity in the social life of both men and women in modern conditions requires new
methodological approaches to the study of gender issues. Of particular importance is the issue of studying
the experience of implementing a gender approach in the educational system. The article analyzes the main
theoretical approaches in research on gender pedagogy in the context of cultural and national values. An
excursion into the history of the problem is made.Based on the analysis of scientific research by Russian and
domestic scientists, an attempt is made to determine the main methodological approaches in gender
pedagogy. In considering this issue, special attention should be paid to the historical, cultural and spiritual
values of the ethnic group, together with modern socio-cultural realities.The need for interdisciplinary
research on gender issues is being updated.
The high level of activity in the social life of both men and women requires new methodological
approaches in the study of gender issues. Of particular importance is the issue of studying the experience of
implementing a gender approach in the educational system. The article analyzes the main theoretical
approaches in gender pedagogy of Russian and Kazakh researchers in the context of cultural and

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How to Cite

Игібаева А.Қ., Төлеуханова А.Д., . 2020. METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF GENDER PEDAGOGY. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Jun. 2020), 14–19. DOI: