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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published February 2023
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

The article discusses the problems in the construction of an ergonomic educational environment in schools in Kazakhstan. The educational institution is designed to create conditions for the assimilation of educational programs, the formation of a common culture of the personality of students, their adaptation to life in society, the preservation of the health of students and teachers. In the context of such a trend, a modern school should overcome the depersonalization of school education, move to a «child-centered» educational system. Therefore, the role of a modern school is to create special, comfortable conditions that contribute to the formation of a free, cultured, educated, spiritually and physically healthy, socially active personality. Compliance with the principles and norms of ergonomics in the design of the educational environment and its elements will create a comfortable environment, ensure a high functional state of a person, optimal dynamics of his working capacity, preservation of health and life. This article analyzes the national project «Comfortable School» and highlights pedagogical-ergonomic and organizational-ergonomic conditions for creating an accessible, safe educational environment. The authors showed the results of the conducted Negotiation platform – «Accessible and convenient school space: what should it be?» with the target group, which included practical teachers, representatives of school administrations, members of parent committees, students of schools in Pavlodar and Pavlodar region, as well as experts in the field of architecture and design, scientists. It is concluded that the results of ergonomic research in this area are a good starting point for creating appropriate solutions in creating a comfortable educational environment in schools in Kazakhstan.

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How to Cite

Жумажанова К.И. , Длимбетова Г.К. , . 2023. ERGONOMIC EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AS ACCESSIBILITY, SAFETY OF SCHOOLS IN KAZAKHSTAN. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 76, 4 (Feb. 2023), 197–208. DOI: