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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2020
Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai

This article discusses the problem of forming meta-subject competence of students on the basis of
intersubject communications. The concept of meta-subject matter is not uniquely defined and reflects the
different views of researchers. Despite the long history of the concept, there is still no single interpretation of
it, different scientific schools interpret it differently. The meta-subject approach in the modern sense
complements and extends traditional educational technologies, allowing the student to look at the subject
content with a non-trivial look, consciously exploring and developing methods of their own thinking through
certain thought-generating procedures (goal-setting, search, analysis and synthesis of various types of
information and its evaluation). The meta-subject content of education assumes other activities that are
different from the traditional ones, which allow the formation of meta-subject competencies necessary for
successful personal growth, which can be represented as metacognition, meta-knowledge and possession of
meta-skills. Meta-subject activity - activity outside the subject; It is aimed at teaching generalized methods
of working with any subject concept, scheme, model, etc. and related to life situations. Interdisciplinary
communication is the most important means of achieving meta subject results. The meta-subject approach
ensures the comprehensive development of the personality, the formation of a holistic worldview, the
synthesis of knowledge learned by students in various subjects, their comprehensive application in practice,
in work and human life.

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How to Cite

Саудабаева Г.С., Шолпанқұлова Г.К. , . 2020. ПӘНАРАЛЫҚ БАЙЛАНЫС НЕГІЗІНДЕ СТУДЕНТТЕРДЕ МЕТАПӘНДІК ҚҰЗЫРЕТТЕРДІ ҚАЛЫПТАСТЫРУ. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 65, 1 (Mar. 2020), 43–48. DOI: