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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2020

This article is not only about the peculiarities of the work of a social teacher with a low-income family, but also about improving the social status of children in the family, about organizing social assistance, about helping them in solving the problem independently, and deeper understanding of own spiritual world and organizing different events to join the ranks of society. Socio-economic problems in the country can not be solved because of different age characteristics, and factors that affect their lives, particularly, the impact factors on the child due to the improper relationship between children and parents in the family; insufficient well-being of children in society or school; isolation from the social environment due to the various depressions; the influence of a low social situation, etc. This affects the child's psychology and after these circumstances, the child's potential for inspiration will be reduced, such as education, training, the desire to live, empathy with the leader of society, and consequently,this article emphasizes the special moments of social and pedagogical work, based on the works of comprehensive foreign scientists.

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How to Cite

Kyyakbayeva, U., Iniyatova А. and urdaly Т. 2020. FEATURES OF SOCIAL-PEDAGOGICAL WORK WITH CHILDREN FROM LOW-INCOME FAMILIES. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 65, 1 (Mar. 2020), 337–341. DOI: