This article deals with the use of the verbotonal method of teaching English to students with hearing disabilities. We are talking about the French academic Petar Guberina, who proved that the first verbotonal method of teaching a native language and a foreign language is one of the most effective ways. In addition, children with hearing impairments simultaneously learn to speak and perceive speech, through this method, oral speech is developed. P. Guberina also studied General linguistic problems - sound and movement in the language, rhythm, onomatopiaand a way to rehabilitate children with hearing and speech disorders.
In teaching English, speech activity techniques are effectively used – speaking, reading, writing, listening, and tasks must correspond to the characteristics of each child and the level of language training, specific instructions for them individually differentiated tasks and instructions, and strict motivated time. Meeting these conditions contributes not only to the modification of the lesson material, but also to a good understanding of the topic, which allows to include students with hearing disabilities in the society.