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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2022
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

The article discusses the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the concept of dual-oriented learning, as well as duality, dual system, dual training, dual education, dual form.

In the work, analyzing philosophical, psychological and pedagogical scientific works, we conclude:: dual-oriented training in the professional training of a future teacher is an innovative trajectory for improving the practical training of a future teacher in the productive interaction of school, college and university in the implementation of the principles of consistency, methodological certainty and practical necessity, based on the introduction of elements of dual training in higher pedagogical education.

That is, dual training of pedagogical personnel or dual training in the professional training of future teachers should be carried out through interaction in a triad: a pedagogical university, the Department of education (schools, colleges, etc.) and on the basis of decisions of the government, state level. In accordance with this, the absence of the introduction of dual training in higher pedagogical education and the presence of the above difficulties and difficulties in its systematic implementation allows us to consider the situation of dual-oriented training, rather than dual training.


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How to Cite

Айтенова Э.А., Сманова А.А., Косшыгулова А.С. , . 2022. СОВРЕМЕННОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ И ПРОБЛЕМЫ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ДУАЛЬНО-ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОГО ОБУЧЕНИЯ. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 74, 2 (Jun. 2022), 154–162. DOI: