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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2022
Вaishev university

The article reveals the idea of expanding the possibilities of distance learning in the context of a pandemic in the development of artistic writing skills of primary school pupils .Writing is one of the most important areas of the educational process in primary school. This requires continuous and constant, systematic work when performing written exercises in the process of teaching art writing. Today, the transition to the updated content of education and the transition to a distance learning system in the context of a pandemic has shown the need to increase the relevance of the issue of the formation of artistic writing skills in younger pupils. For this purpose, the work will consider new forms of the formation of artistic writing skills in younger pupils in the context of distance learning.

In addition, the article emphasizes the need and relevance of the formation of artistic writing skills in younger pupils in the context of the updated content of education in schools and the transition to a distance learning system during a pandemic. The teaching methods are shown taking into account the child's age in the formation of writing skills in elementary school and the influence of the process of teaching writing on the psychological, physiological development of the child and the formation of sensory skills is studied. Considered and presented to teachers new forms of formation of skills in artistic writing among younger pupils in conditions of distance learning.

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