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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2022
Kazakh national women's teacher training university




 At the present stage of the development of society, the development and application of distance education technologies is of particular importance, which, in our opinion, is a significant factor in improving the modern education system.

This article is devoted to the introduction of digital educational resources in the educational process. Digital educational resources provide great opportunities for the teacher, provide powerful tools that solve the following issues: improving the organization of the educational process, increasing the individualization of learning; digital educational resources provide an opportunity for the teacher and the student to eliminate gaps that have arisen due to skipping lessons; improve the results of self-training after lessons; a means of individualizing the work of the teacher himself.

These digital educational resources allow you to bring a huge flow of information to the student. The use of digital educational resources in the educational process is an attempt to offer one of the ways to intensify the educational process, optimize it, raise the interest of students in studying the subject, implement the ideas of developing learning, increase the pace of the lesson, increase the amount of independent work. Thus, the authors pay attention to digital learning tools that perform a trinity of didactic functions: teaching, development, education within the framework of subject activities, taking into account the use of digital educational resources.


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How to Cite

Жубандыкова А.М. ,Елубаева Ж. , . 2022. ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ЦИФРОВОГО ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОГО РЕСУРСА В ОБУЧЕНИИ СТУДЕНТОВ. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 74, 2 (Jun. 2022), 96–105. DOI: