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Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Педагогические науки»


Опубликован June 2021
Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая

Globalization, informatization, digitalization, led to large-scale changes that have problematized the modern process of upbringing. The modern practice of  upbringing in Kazakhstan is aimed at solving the problem of forming an intellectual nation.  The key figure in the  upbringing process is the teacher. The modernization of public consciousness taking place in Kazakhstan, the renewal of both the content of education and the system of upbringing require understanding not only the content, but also the methodology of the professional training of teachers for the upbringing of children, for the organization of the upbringing system in educational organizations. We believe that the analysis of traditional and clarification of modern methodological foundations of professional training of future teachers of Kazakhstan for upbringing  work will give us the opportunity to develop a strategy for training future teachers in the conditions of spiritual renewal of Kazakhstan's society. The article reveals the experience of Abai KazNPU.  As a result of the conducted research, we came to the conclusion that the process of training a teacher in Kazakhstan, who has a high degree of ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity, requires strengthening the upbringing and socializing components of the educational process of the university. The strategy of professional training of a modern teacher should be a polyparadigmatic concept with the leading role of ideas of personality-oriented, competence paradigm.



Как цитировать

Колумбаева Ш. Ж., . 2021. О МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ПОДХОДАХ ПОДГОТОВКИ БУДУЩИХ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ КАЗАХСТАНА К ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЕ. Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Педагогические науки». 70, 2 (июн. 2021), 14–22. DOI:https://doi.org/10.51889/2021-2.1728-5496.02 .