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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2023
Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

In this article, the problem of ecological culture of the student is considered, the educational-methodical model of its formation, consisting of content-target, operational-active and evaluation-effective blocks, is developed and presented. In the course of the study, the typical model of the Ile-Alatau National Park "Ekosokpak" was characterized, the creation of which is aimed at the development of regional systems of ecological culture in addition to students in the field of tourism and education. The typical model "ecopack" was developed within the framework of the organizational and methodological support for the solution of the problem of creating an educational and methodological model of the ecological trope. The model was developed on the basis of the principles of the ecosystem approach in education with the aim of involving students in research and project activities on the ground, the development of emotional activity in the region and the launch of drivers of its development. The purpose of creating a model is an attempt to form the ecological culture of students and raise its level by creating a model of an ecological educational project in the conditions of sustainable development of modern society, forming value attitudes and revealing the concept of "man-nature". This model is a program that includes practical classes, excursions, classes with an ecological and aesthetic orientation, scientific research activities.

Thus, the obtained results allow us to conclude that the implementation of the environmental culture and educational project in the course of the activities of the students "Ekosokpak" will allow to solve the problem of the formation of the environmental culture of the personality of the student in the educational space of the university. The difference between the levels of the typical model of the development of ecological culture of students within the "Ile-Alatau National Park" was significant. The vast majority of experiment participants have a high level of ecological knowledge. They have taken an active ecological position, students are not only engaged in improving their ecological culture, but also spread their knowledge to other students, actively promote a careful attitude to the national park, nature reserves, the environment as a whole and rational use of natural resources. The typical model developed by us from these positions includes content, target, operational and evaluation-productive components aimed at the formation of the student's ecological culture



How to Cite

Berkinbaeva G., Bayeshov A., Childibaev J., Abdimutalip N., . 2023. DEVELOPMENT OF A TYPICAL MODEL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECOLOGICAL CULTURE OF STUDENTS (on the example, Ile-Alatau National Park). BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 80, 4 (Dec. 2023), 127–136. DOI: