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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


The cost of publication in the journal according to the approved price list for all authors is 22,000 (twenty–two thousand) tenge, registration of DOI – 2000, registration of authors in the Crossref database - 6000. Total – 30,000 t.     The journal provides "Jubilee of a scientist" section (with a color photograph) - the cost of 1 page is 10,000 tenge.      Payment for articles is made after getting a positive review of the editorial office at any branch of the bank "Bank Center Credit", and requisites will be send to authors email address. Articles and requests for publication are accepted at: vestnikkaznpu@mailru.ruCopies of / scans of payment orders are accepted at the same address, proof of payment.      Claims for payment without confirmation of acceptance for publication are not considered. Late paid articles, if accepted for publication, are automatically transferred to the next issue.  Distribution of the magazine to authors in Kazakhstan - from 800-1200 tenge (if necessary). In the countries of near and far abroad, the tariff is individual tariff.