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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2022
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

The relevance of the stated topic of scientific research is due to the widespread use of blockchain technology in various spheres of modern society and the significant prospects that open up with the practical implementation of elements of this technology in modern higher educational institutions. The purpose of this research work is to determine the main guidelines for the practical application of blockchain technology in higher educational institutions that can qualitatively change the structure of using this technology in modern higher educational institutions and positively affect the overall quality of education in the system of modern higher educational institutions, taking into account the advantages this technology. The basis of the methodology of this research work was a combination of methods of system analysis of the advantages of the practical application of blockchain technology in the modern system of higher education institutions, with an analytical study of various aspects of the implementation of this technology in the activities of modern higher education work. The results of this research work clearly indicate the existence of significant advantages of using blockchain technology in the system of modern higher educational institutions, and also represent practical recommendations for introducing such technology into the system of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to create optimal conditions for storing information. The results and conclusions of this scientific study are of significant practical importance for workers of the modern higher education system, by the nature of their activities, who are faced with the need for the practical use of blockchain technology in their professional activities, as well as for developers of this technology, adapting the latest developments in this area to the needs of the higher education system.

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How to Cite

Сахипов А.А., Ермаганбетова М.А., Байдильдинов Т.Ж. , . 2022. STUDY OF THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 73, 1 (Mar. 2022), 64–76. DOI: