In the article, the authors analyze the international experience of standardization of school education, various concepts of the definition of the educational standard set out in the scientific literature in Kazakhstan and abroad, including in the near abroad, and allow synthesizing new knowledge about the educational standard. The given analysis of the problems of standardization in foreign and domestic pedagogy gives grounds to assert that the educational standard, being a socio-pedagogical structure, reflects the trends in the development of value, content and procedural characteristics of the system of general secondary education.
In the context of the development of the system of norms and requirements for the quality of school education, the process of standardization of general secondary education in Kazakhstan is considered. The mutual influence of the processes of standardization and improvement of the quality of education is justified. In this regard, an international trend is shown to consider the system of educational goals in the form of results that contribute to the planning of the continuous development of the educational standard of the school and the general education system.