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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2023
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Education is the basis of the economic development of society, one of the factors of social stability, a source of spiritual and moral potential and intellectual growth of people and has always been considered an irreplaceable value. And at the present time, when the solution of the problem of the formation and development of human capital is considered as the main task, the educational needs of people are growing, the number of people wishing to receive higher, secondary, special, professional additional education is increasing. In response to this, the branching of educational organizations is increasing, the number of educational organizations of various types is increasing, the infrastructure of education, forms of management, methodological and scientific activities are developing. Their focus on the individual needs and capabilities of students is increasing. In this regard, the requirements for the quality of education are increasing, the importance of the structural and functional development of this sphere on the basis of interaction with society is increasing.

       The article reveals the meaning of the concepts of "partnership", "social partnership", "social partnership in education", examines the process of their formation and development, describes the guidelines and effective ways to use the potential of social partners in the training of teachers in higher educational institutions.

    This article was made within the framework of program funding for a study on the topic: "Innovative model of professional development of future teachers based on social partnership" IRN AR14972706.

      Key words: social partnership, social partnership in education, principles of joint action.

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How to Cite

Атaбекова Б.Б., Косшыгулова А.С. . 2023. USING THE POTENTIAL OF SOCIAL PARTNERS IN THE TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 80, 4 (Dec. 2023), 194–205. DOI: