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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2020
A.S. Imangaliyev, A.G. Aristangaliyeva, G.M. Kasymgali

The article discusses the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle for the students through the national values,
the importance of many historical, cognitive, ideological events, national games based on the values transmitted
from generation to generation.
Referring to the documents on the development of health care in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it was found
that a healthy lifestyle is, first of all, an intensive activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.
As a result of the analysis of scientific, pedagogical, psychological and medical literature, several aspects of
health are considered in terms of physical health, mental health, moral health, social health.
By revealing the importance of a healthy lifestyle it was revealed that everything depends on the proper
organization of physical activity, physical preparation, proper nutrition, the prevention of injuries and infectious
diseases, the avoidance of bad habits, the prevention of stress and conflict, the ability to protect the human body,
and the environmental impact on health.

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How to Cite

А.С. Иманғалиев, А.Г. Арыстанғалиева , Г.М. Қасымғали, . 2020. FORMING A HEALTHY LIFE OF STUDENTS THROUGH NATIONAL VALUES. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 68, 4 (Dec. 2020), 185–190. DOI: