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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published May 2021
Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai

In modern psychological and pedagogical science, the concept of "socialization" is interpreted
as the process of development and self-development of a person during the assimilation and
reproduction of socio-cultural experience. And, of course, it is very important to ensure the
successful socialization of the younger generation. In the modern world, the problem of social
development of the younger generation is becoming one of the most urgent. Parents and educators
are more concerned than ever about what needs to be done to ensure that a child entering this world
becomes confident, happy, intelligent, kind, and successful. In this complex process of becoming a
person, a lot depends on how the child adapts to the world of people, whether he will be able to find
his place in life and realize his own potentialAt first glance, it seems that the social world of a preschool child is small. This is his family,
adults and peers, whom he meets in kindergarten. However, the people around the child enter into a
variety of relationships — kinship, friendship, professional and labor, etc. Therefore, even at
preschool age, children need to form an idea of the diversity of human relations, tell them about the
rules and norms of life in society, and equip them with behavioral models that will help them
adequately respond to what is happening in specific life situations. In other words, it is necessary to
manage the process of socialization.

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How to Cite

Айтпаева А.К., Акпарова Ж.М., . 2021. INTERACTION WITH SOCIETY IN DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 69, 1 (May 2021), 109–117. DOI: