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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published July 2023
Semey Medical University NCJSC

The article deals with the issue of teaching foreign students in the communicative direction. When organizing the educational process, communicative or non-communicative types of students are mentioned. Teaching foreign students in the communicative direction is to ensure effective contact with the environment. 

I. Passov offers five ways of communicative learning to communicate: 1. Speaking is the desire for mental activity. 2. Privatization position. 3. Functional position. 4. The position of the situation. 5. Innovative position. Each of these positions was analyzed. In speech etiquette, the teacher plays the role of a conductor who teaches the order of conversation, establishing contact with interlocutors, paying attention to the national specific stereotype accepted and fixed in society. In order to be able to communicate in different situations, a foreign student must get used to listening, watching and performing various audio and video tasks. For this, types of work with audio and video tasks are shown. It is said that when a teacher gives dialogues and situations to Indian and Pakistani students, they can increase their interest by quoting them from a group of words in their own language, examples are given. Emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of ethical norms and work ethics in the formation of communication skills among foreign students in accordance with their professions. When teaching foreign students in the communicative direction, the effectiveness of studying integration subjects separately by modules is noted.

Most of the research related to teaching international students is the work of educational scientists. In particular, technologists Passov E.I., Leontiev A.A., Kostomarov V.G., Shchukin A.N., Vyatutnev M.N., Kitaigorodskaya G.A., Rogova G.V., Zimnya I. ., Skalkin V.A., Lapidus B.A., Himes D., N.I. Gez, E.P. Shubin, I.L. Bim, F.Sh. Orazbaeva e.t.c.
