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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published August 2020
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

This article discusses the importance of the development of social activity of primary school students
with hearing impairments.
The formation of the personality of a child with hearing impairment is slow, which is associated with
certain difficulties in the development of social experience, experience in the implementation of methods of
activity, experience of creative activity, in terms of emotional value to reality. Primary classes experience
emotional discomfort during the period of adaptation of children with hearing impairments, are in any
internal tension and stress. All children tend to have high levels of nervous, mental and physical strength. All
changes in the child's behavior at this stage are associated with the process of adaptation to school. Taking
into account the psychophysical characteristics of children with hearing impairment, the peculiarities of their
assimilation of the material, excursions with them require more careful preparation. It includes: the definition
of its purpose, objectives, content, methods; training of students: a story about the purpose, content,
organization of excursions, types of work during the tour, the questions that should be found by students
during the tour; thinking through forms of control of students ' understanding of the studied material;
determining the content of the story, the final tour to consolidate the studied material. Much attention is paid
to the interaction of children with their parents. The family plays an important role in the socialization of the
child with hearing impairment; parents form self-service skills in children, a positive attitude to learning,
preparing children to participate in household and socially useful work.

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How to Cite

М.Э.Усенова, Н.Б.Жиенбаева, . 2020. WAYS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL ACTIVITY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENT. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Aug. 2020), 362–366. DOI: