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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published August 2020

Today, the developing countries face the situation where there is an abundance of specialists with higher
education, while the economy lacks qualified practice-oriented personnel. In general, there is a disproportion
between the ever-increasing demand of specialists and supply on the labor market, and between the way of
professional education and modern business.
Society requires the commercialization of fundamental knowledge, the restructuring of the education
system. Without losing its fundamental nature, education today acquires a new, practice-oriented content.
The integration of education, science, and production is the joint use of the potential of educational,
scientific and industrial organizations in mutual interests [1].
Kazakhstani universities are becoming leading scientific organizations generating new knowledge and
new technologies – nationallaboratories are being created on the bases of large universities; work is
underway to strengthen the university's scientific potential; the integration of university science with
production has begun, with some of the most successful universities being granted research status, and so on.
Today, the global industry receives new technologies from universities research centers.There was a
need to make adjustments to the educational activities of universities. Scientists must have real opportunities
and incentives to engage in scientific research.
Since the competence is a multifunctional tool for measuring the quality of professional education, the
competency-based approach, which is focused on the organization of educational and cognitive activity by
modeling a variety of situations in various areas of the individual’s life, could be an effective tool to increase
the practical level of training in higher education.
The implementation of a practice-oriented system of training of an innovatively competent specialist
focuses on the result of education, where the result is not the amount of learned information, but the person’s
ability to act in various situations. Such system is aimed at improving interaction with the labor market,
increasing the competitiveness of specialists, updating the content, methodology and related learning

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How to Cite

Г.К. Тaшкeeвa, М.К. Ибpaимoв, К.Адилжaн . 2020. PRACTICE – ORIENTED EDUCATION SYSTEM FOR AN INNOVATIELY COMPETENT HIGHER EDUCATION GRADUATES. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Aug. 2020), 120–126. DOI: