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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published August 2020
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

The article discusses the possibilities of distance learning. Today, distance learning is intensively
included in the educational sphere, which can be explained by a number of advantages of this pedagogical
system. Moreover, some experts consider such training to be the most effective form of human education,
regardless of age, since the training tools created on the basis of modern media in combination with new
technological solutions, as well as modern methodological support, in principle, allow you to independently
master the ways of learning activities, create conditions for independent development of subjects of the
educational cycle.
Distance learning opportunities are a set of methods, forms and means of interaction with a person in the
process of independent, but controlled development of a certain array of knowledge. The training technology
is based on the Foundation of a certain content and must meet the requirements of its presentation. The
content of the proposed knowledge is accumulated in special courses and modules designed for distance
learning and based on the existing educational standards in the country, as well as in data and knowledge
banks, video libraries, and so on.

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How to Cite

Колумбаева Ш.Ж., Айтпаева А.К., . 2020. DISTANCE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPING STUDENTS ’ INDEPENDENC. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Aug. 2020), 102–106. DOI: