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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published November 2022



Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

The article gives a general overview of the state of dual education in Kazakhstan: coordination, enrollment, coverage of regions. The coverage of the main studies conducted in educational organizations allows to assess their contribution to the formation of the model of dual education in Kazakhstan. However, the readiness of employers to organize dual education is not deeply enough researched in the works of domestic scientists. In this regard, the researchers of the project KazDual - "Implementation of dual system in Kazakhstan" (reference to the project: EU 618835-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPPKA2-CBHE-SP Implementation period: 15.01.2021 -14.01.2024) under the program: Erasmus+ conducted a survey to study the experience and opinions of Kazakh companies, the needs of the dual system in various Kazakh industrial sectors, educational organizations, as well as their motivation to participate in the pilot phase of the project. The given analysis of employers' questioning from the point of view of readiness to organization of dual education in Kazakhstan showed the inconsistency of opinions. According to the results of the employers' questionnaire, a summary of the results of the survey, evaluation and some questions for reflection are made. The researchers note that some of the answers indicate that the results were influenced by the different understanding of dual education from the European and Kazakhstani points of view.

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How to Cite

Абаева Г.А., Акпаева А.Б.,Сапаргалиева Б.А. , . 2022. ANALYSIS OF EMPLOYER’S READINESS FOR DUAL TRAINING IN KAZAKHSTAN. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. series of Pedagogical Sciences. 75, 3 (Nov. 2022), 79–94. DOI: