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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published February 2023
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

At the present stage of the search for new forms and methods of teaching, the development and education of children are one of the main tasks of preschool pedagogy. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that fairy tales play a huge role in the formation of communicative skills of preschoolers. The presented results demonstrate that a systematic and scientifically based approach to conducting specially organised classes using fairy tales develops expressiveness, accuracy of speech, grammatical correctness, lexical completeness and semantic organisation, cognitive data, etc. Thus, the study confirms the hypothesis that a fairy tale can be an effective means of developing the speech of younger schoolchildren in educational activities, as well as another means of ensuring the attitude to the student as a person. This study has prospects for further research on the problems of the influence of fairy tales as a metaphorical text on the development of tolerance in primary school children, as well as studying the possibility of the phenomenon of negative semantic resonance. The paper describes the phenomenon of semantic resonance in educational activities that arises as a result of the contextual use of metaphors and fairy tales. This can be defined as the moment when children experience recognition, clarity of images, words, metaphors.

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How to Cite

Aкыновa Ж.М., Халитова И.Р., Турдaлиевa Э.Д. . 2023. FAIRY TALE THERAPY AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING SPEECH SKILLS IN PRESCHOOLERS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 76, 4 (Feb. 2023), 299–310. DOI: