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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2020
Taraz state pedagogokal university

The emergence of a new sociocultural space is aimed at preparing the educational system in the field of
intercultural competence, capable of implementing international cultural and professional relations. It has
long been clear that competence is a combination of knowledge and experience for effective activity in any
subject area, it is a possession of a certain competence by a person – knowledge, skills and experience of his
own activity, which allow to make significant judgments and make the right decisions.
The content analysis of the notion "competence" and the problem of the formation of future English
teachers’ intercultural communicative competence are given in the article. The paper presents the review of
scientific and pedagogical literature on the study of intercultural communicative competence given by
foreign, Russian and Kazakhstani researchers. 

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How to Cite

P.A. Kudabayeva, A.N. Zhorabekova, M.S.Zeynebekova, . 2020. CONTENT ANALYSIS OF THE NOTION "COMPETENCE". BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 65, 1 (Mar. 2020), 30–34. DOI: